Organometallic compounds

Organic substances with at least one metall atom

Organometallic compounds are characterised by at least one covalent bond between carbon and a metal atom. These compounds are often volatile and instable in the presence of oxygen and hydrogen.
Some organometallic compounds are more toxic and environmental dangerous than the metal alone. Typical examples are tetraethyl lead which was used as antiknock additive in petrol until it was banned. Other examples are methylmercury, a product of natural methylation of inorganic mercury, and the organotin compounds which were used as antifoulants for ships until they were banned.



  • Common mussel species as invasive animal in rivers and lakes with high information level for water pollution
  • Bioindicator in rivers and lakes
  • One of the most important edible mussel species common in the North and Baltic Sea
  • As the only viviparous fish in German nearshore waters, it is a bioindicator in nearshore coastal marine ecosystems.

Sampling area

Sampling period

1985 - 2021