Common bladder wrack
Bladderwrack, Rockweed; scientific name: Fucus vesiculosus

Forked thallus of the bladder wrack
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier
Common brown alga of the coastal areas of the North and Baltic Sea
Common bladder wrack (rockweed, or brown alga) is one of the macrophytic alga which have long been used in monitoring programmes as indicators of accumulation. As one of the most widespread algae in the northern hemisphere, it lends itself particularly well to the comparative analysis of coastal water pollution.
The forked thallus is used as a specimen. Sampling takes place every two months.
For more information about the specimen, the sampling and the processing of samples see the Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung Blasentang (Fucus vesiculosus) (German)
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Sampling area
National Park in the largest brackish water (Bodden) habitat of the world.
National park in the world largest connected sand and mud flats.
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Class of synthetic fragrances
Atoms of one element with different weights
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
1985 - 2022
Extended information
Links to external information and legislation
- EUNIS biodiversity database - Fucus vesiculosus (external)
- MarLIN - Bladder wrack - Fucus vesiculosus (external)
Morphologische und genetische Untersuchungen an den Probenarten Miesmuschel (Mytilus edulis) und Blasentang (Fucus vesiculosus) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Hybridisierungseffekten
Quack, Markus; Kosuch, Joachim
Trier: Universität Trier, Fachbereich VI – Biogeographie, 2005. - 170, 2005