Koblenz (km 590.3)

The river Rhine near Koblenz
Photo: UPB-Projektgruppe Trier

Middle Rhine above the Moselle mouth in Koblenz near the German Corner

The sampling site Koblenz includes the port facilities Ehrenbreitstein, the main stream in the range of the port and the Rhine pool on the opposite side of the stream. The area of the port Ehrenbreitstein is about 200 meters long and 50 to 80 meters wide and is bounded by stone walls and jetties. It is separated from the main stream by a rock fills. The Rhine pool is also confined by rock fills. Food paths line the riversides of the main stream. The surroundings have an urban character.

At Koblenz samples are taken from zebra mussels, bream, and suspended particulate matter.



Sampling period

1995 - 2022