Ulm (km 2593)

Highest-located ESB sampling site for breams in the river Danube
Ulm is the only sampling site in the sub-area Oberhalb Illermündung. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the industrial area Danube Valley and extends from the barrage Ersingen to the barrage Wiblingen (upstream of stream kilometre 2590). The sampling site covers the main stream and several barrages as well as oxbows that are designated nature reserves. Motorized boats are not allowed in the entire area.
Bream are caught in one of the oxbows whereas zebra mussels are exposed upstream the barrage.
At the sampling site Ulm the water status of the Danube headwaters is assessed. Ulm is the highest ESB sampling site of the Danube which allows sampling of bream.
The monitoring site Ulm-Wiblingen of the State Office for Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Wuerttemberg (LUBW) is located immediately downstream of the ESB sampling site. This allows the comparison of the ESB data with the physical and chemical water data of the federal state’s monitoring network.
Recommended analysis examples
Search data
Only sub-area in headwaters
Common mussel species as invasive animal in rivers and lakes with high information level for water pollution
Bioindicator in rivers and lakes
Fine insoluble mineral or organic particles in the water phase
Eighty percent of all elements on earth are metals
Only eighteen elements in the periodic table
Organic substances with at least one metall atom
Group of organic compounds with at least one covalently bonded chlorine atom
Toxic and persistent organochloropesticide
Several isomeric compounds among the group of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Group of organic compounds with at least three condensed six-membered rings
Chemical agents against harmful organisms and for plant protection
Organic compounds which are fully (per-) or partially (poly-) fluorinated
Atoms of one element with different weights
Cyclic methylsiloxanes with persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties in the environment
Additional information for the interpretation of contamination data
Sampling period
2002 - 2023