Climate Impact Research—Contributions and Options of the German ESB
Paulus, Martin; Quack, Markus; D. Teubner, Diane; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Klein, Roland; K. Tarricone, Kathrin; Wagner, Gerhard; Körner, Andrea; Veith, Michael
In: Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Environmental Specimen Bank: Exploring Possibility of Setting-up ESBs in Developing Countries, Tokyo, 2010, 95-101
Previous forecasts about consequences of climate change have given rise to expectations of drastic changes to the composition of natural systems; the loss of biodiversity seems bound to continue. Whilst the focus is on organisms and biocoenosis, the intraspecific loss of allele diversity can play a very major role. Current strategies for monitoring and forecasting climate impact are pursued at two levels at the German ESB. Genetic monitoring is currently performed on selected sampling specimens, in order to be able to identify inferences about the automatic adjustment of population-biology processes in the environment and the contamination of habitats. These can be applied as warning signals of demographic change in the population. Studies at organismic level concentrate on evaluating biometric parameters in the common spruce (Picea abies). In combination with meteorological data, forecasts of future trends can be designed on the basis of regional climate models. To monitor biocoenosis changes, a “Species Information System” was developed additionally a few years ago. Carabid beetles, forest floor vegetation and freshwater fish have been selected as indicator groups in this pilot study; initial characterizations of all sampling sites have been completed.